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Clinical Studies

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This page lists a varied selection of clinical studies, research papers, books, scientific papers and website links which we hope may be helpful for people researching some of the therapies and treatments available at Body and Mind Studio®. It is for educational and general knowledge purposes only and should not be used to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or pathology. If a condition persists, please contact your doctor or healthcare practitioner.


1. The evidence for Shiatsu: a systematic review of Shiatsu and Acupressure - Published: October 07, 2011 Nicola Robinson, Ava Lorenc, Xing Liao - BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, The official journal of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR).

2. Efficacy of Acupressure Plus Manipulation for Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Clinical Report - Evaluation of an effective conservative therapy for lumbar disc herniation By Zesheng Wang, DO, MD, Santao Wang, DO and Xiaoyang Liu, Ac

Andullation Therapy

1. The International Association for Andullation® Technology (IAAT) pursues the mission of the European Association for Andullation® Technology (EAAT). The IAAT aims at establishing Andullation® therapy as a form of treatment complementary to traditional therapies. The IAAT primarily publishes scientific papers and research documents related to Andullation®. This includes the promotion and co-ordination of external research projects as well as conducting internal scientific studies. The IAAT monitors the on-going research performed by an international network of independent scientists from different disciplines. Conditions are created for unbiased and continuous optimisation of therapeutic options. The IAAT encourages the education and training of therapists and health professionals applying Andullation® in combination with other therapies and treatments. Full details of scientific data and clinical study information can be found by clicking here.

2. The Verification of Regenerative Effects of HHP Andullation Therapy System - Kovarova Lenk, Vetvicka Jaroslav, Botek Michal, Laboratory of Sport Motor Activities, FPES CU.

3. Einsatz der Andullationstherapie bei Fibromyalgipatienten - Langzeitstudie der Deutschen Gesellsschaft fur Andullationstherapie e.V. (Use of Andullation Therapy on Fibromyalgia Patients - Long-term study by The German Centre for Andullation Therapy e.V.) - German. Prof. Dr. phil. Roland Stutz, Dr. med. Harry F. Konig, IMR-Institute for Medical Research, Lausanne, 2011.

4. Multizentrische Studie zur Wirkung des Andullationstherapie-Systems auf Patienten mit degenerativen Beschwerden der Wirbelsäule (Multi-centre study on the effect of Andullation Therapy systems on patients with degenerative disorders of the spine) - German. Dr. med Claus Oberbillig (Facharzt für Orthopädie, Wiesbaden), Dr. med J. Mortier (Orthopädische Univeritätsklinik, Frankfurt), Dr. med. Tiberius Matcau (Orthopädische Gemeinschaftspraxis, Kadelburg), Dr. med. Stephan Müller (Orthopadische Gemeinschaftspraxis, Gelnhausen).

5. Studienzusammenfassung über die Lymphdrainagewirkung andullierender Schwingungsmassagen (Study summary about the lymphatic drainage effect of andullation vibration massage) - German. Prof. Dr. phil. Roland Stutz, Biomed, Ober-Ramstadt, Germany. July-September 2004.

6. Studie über die Wirkung andullierender Schwingungsmassagen in Verbindung mit Infrarotbestrahlung bei Stauungen im venosen und lymphatischen system (Study on the effect of andullation vibration massage combined with infrared irradiation at blockages in venous and lymphatic system) - German. Prof. Dr. Hanno Felder, Uropa Fachochhochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences, Germany. May 2005.

7. Letter from Prof. Dr. Roland Stutz to Paul J. Hopfensperger MIfHI - Dated: December 16, 2014. ANDUMEDIC® 3 is a Type IIa Approved Medical Device in Germany.

8. Certificate in Andullation Therapy for Paul Hopfensperger - hhp, Karlruhe, Germany, 20/11/2014.

Ear Candling

1. Relaxation effect: Quantitative EEG monitoring as a means to evaluate relaxation effects - Published: June 2005. Dr. Rüdiger Schellenberg. Dr. Schellenberg Institute for Holistic medicine and Science GmbH, Germany.

2. Aura photography: Treatment study with aura photography - Published: July 2010. Ralf Marien-Engelbarts. Traditional Healer & Aura Photographer, Berlin, Germany.

3. Anwendungsbeobachtung mit BIOSUN Ohrkerzen in 2 typischen Anwendungsgebieten - subjektive Druckgefühle im Ohr - und Kopfbereich sowie Entspannung/Stressabbau (Monitoring of treatment with BIOSUN Ear Candles - 2 Typical applications - subjective feelings of pressure in the ear - and head region and relaxation/stress reduction). Dr. rer. nat. Reiner Heidl, Germany.

Generative Medicine

1. Fundamentals of Generative Medicine - Volume 1 (Text-Book) - Concepts, Systems and Pathways - Published: 2010, Peter J. D'Adamo, ND, MIfHI.

2. North American Pharmacal, Incorporated Professional Services Division2012 Technical Reference Manual (Version 3.1b (11-14-2012). Peter J. D'Adamo, ND, Scientific Advisor. 307 pages of D'Adamo Personalized Nutrition product detail and scientific references, available for inspection at Body and Mind Studio®.

3. Breast Cancer in Blood Group Type A Individuals - Paper by Paul J. Hopfensperger, MIfHI presented to The Institute for Human Individuality (IfHI) for Fellowship exams, October 2012. IfHI Fellow (Certified 2012) Fellow Cum Laude 2012.

4. The Predictive Adaptive Response in relation to Epigenetics and the concepts of ‘Thrifty Genotype’ and ‘Thrifty Phenotype’ Paper by Paul J. Hopfensperger, MIfHI presented to The Institute for Human Individuality (IfHI) for Master Instructor exams, October 2013. IfHI Master (Certified 2013).

5. Paul Hopfensperger Fellow and Master of The Institute for Human Individuality Certificates - September 2012 - October 2013. 


Arnica montana

1. The effects of topical Arnica on performance, pain and muscle damage after intense eccentric exercise. Kate L Pumpa, Kieran E Fallon, Alan Bensoussan, Shona Papalia; a National Institute of Sport Studies , University of Canberra , Canberra , Australia. 

2. Holistic Nursing Practice: A Proprietary Arnica Gel Is Found to Be as Effective as Ibuprofen Gel in Osteoarthritis. July/August 2008 - Volume 22 - Issue 4 - p 237–239. 

3. Accelerated resolution of laser-induced bruising with topical 20% arnica: A rater-blinded randomized controlled trial. S. Leu; J. Havey; L.E. White; N. Martin; S.S. Yoo; A.W. Rademaker; M. Alam. British Journal of Dermatology. 2010;163(3):557-563. 

4. European Medicines Agency, community herbal monograph on Arnica montana L., flos 9 July 2013 EMA/HMPC/198793/2012 Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC).

5. Arnica montana effects on gene expression in a human macrophage cell line. Evaluation by quantitative Real-Time PCR - Olioso D, et al., Arnica montana effects on gene expression in a human macrophage cell line. Evaluation by quantitativeReal-Time PCR, Homeopathy (2016).

Hypericum perforatum

1. Topical application of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum). Wölfle U, Seelinger G, Schempp CM. Planta Medica Journal 2014 Feb;80(2-3):109-20.

2. Topical anti-inflammatory activity of extracts and compounds from Hypericum perforatum L. Sosa S, Pace R, Bornancin A, Morazzoni P, Riva A, Tubaro A, Della Loggia R. J Pharm Pharmacol.   

3. European Medicines Agency, community herbal monograph on Hypericum perforatum L., herba (traditional use).

Calendula officinalis

1. European Medicines Agency, community herbal monograph on Calendula officinalis L., flos London, 5 July 2007 Doc. Ref. EMEA/HMPC/179281/2007.

Melaleuca alternifolia

1. European Medicines Agency, Community herbal monograph on Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden and Betch) Cheel 9 July 2013 EMA/HMPC/320930/2012 Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC). 

2. A review of applications of tea tree oil in dermatology. Pazyar N, Yaghoobi R, Bagherani N, Kazerouni A. International Journal of Dermatology 2013 Jul;52(7):784-90.


1. Paul Hopfensperger - BABTAC Insurance 2021 - 2022 - Full list of treatments for which Paul is qualified and insured for.

2. Rebecca Hopfensperger - BABTAC Insurance 2016 - 2017 - Full list of treatments for which Rebecca is qualified and insured for.

Kinesio Taping Method

1. The Clinical Efficacy of Kinesio Tape for Shoulder Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Clinical TrialPublished: Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2008 Volume:38 Issue:Pages:3 89–395 DOI: 10.2519/jospt.2008.2791. Authors: Mark D. Thelen, PT, DSc, OCSJames A. Dauber, PT, DPT, DSc, OCSPaul D. Stoneman, PT, PhD, OCS

2. Kinesio Taping International - Paul Hopfensperger - Certificates of Course Completion for KT1: Kinesio Taping Fundamentals, KT2: Advanced Kinesio Taping and KT3: Advanced Concepts and Clinical Applications (Sports) - O'Neill's Sports Medicine Centre, Dublin City University Ireland, February-March 2010.

3. Kinesio Taping International - Rebecca Hopfensperger - Certificate of Course Completion for KT1: Kinesio Taping Fundamentals and KT2: Advanced Kinesio Taping - Bury St Edmunds, February 2009.

Massage Therapy (General)

1. Massage Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Knee. A Randomized Controlled Trial - Published: December 2006. Adam I. Perlman, MD, MPH; Alyse Sabina, MD; Anna-Leila Williams, PA-C, MPH; Valentine Yanchou Njike, MD; David L. Katz, MD, MPH.

2. A Comparison of the Effects of 2 Types of Massage and Usual Care on Chronic Low Back PainA Randomized, Controlled Trial - Published July 05, 2011 - Daniel C. Cherkin, PhD; Karen J. Sherman, PhD, MPH; Janet Kahn, PhD; Robert Wellman, MS; Andrea J. Cook, PhD; Eric Johnson, MS; Janet Erro, RN, MN; Kristin Delaney, MPH; and Richard A. Deyo, MD, MPH

3. Effects of Swedish Massage Therapy on Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Inflammatory Markers in Hypertensive WomenPublished: 2013. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 171852, 8 pages. Izreen Supa’at, Zaiton Zakaria, Oteh Maskon, Amilia Aminuddin, and Nor Anita Megat Mohd Nordin.

Advanced Clinical Massage

1. Paul Hopfensperger - Advanced Clinical Massage Qualifications issued by Jing Advanced Massage Training Limted, Brighton, United Kingdom, 2011-2012.

Massage Fusion

1. Massage Fusion - The Jing method for the treatment of chronic pain - Published: 2015. By Rachel Fairweather BA, LMT, AOS, CQSW and Meghan S. Mari MA, CHE, LMT. Handspring Publishing Limited. Featuring over 100 references. (Copy available for inspection at Body and Mind Studio®).

Myofascial Release

1. Benefits of Massage-Myofascial Release Therapy on Pain, Anxiety, Quality of Sleep, Depression, and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia - Published: 2011 Adelaida María Castro-Sánchez et al.

Nutrition (General)

Vitamin D 

1. How to Understand, Refute, and Plan Studies Using Vitamin D - Published: February 2017. Alex Vasquez DO ND DC FACN, International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine (ISSN 2378-4881). www.ichnfm.org

Pharmaid, Rhodes, Greece - Certificates

1. Free Sales Certificate - Issued by the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, National Organisation for Medicines, Greece, November 28, 2011.

2. Pharmaid Member of the Chamber of Commerce of Dodecanese, Greece - Dated: 2009.

3. Certificate of Microbiological Tests - Athena's Treasures, Dream Tan and Pharmaid (Wellness).

4. EORI Grant Number Certificate - Dated: January 31, 2011. 


1. The evidence for Shiatsu: a systematic review of Shiatsu and Acupressure - Published: October 07, 2011 Nicola Robinson, Ava Lorenc, Xing Liao - BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, The official journal of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR).


1. Mediators of Yoga and Stretching for Chronic Low Back Pain - Published: 2013 - Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 130818, 11 pages.

2. Passive Versus Active Stretching of Hip Flexor Muscles in Subjects With Limited Hip Extension: A Randomized Clinical Trial - Published: 2004, Michael V Winters, Charles G Blake, Jennifer S Trost, Tony B Marcello-Brinker, Lynne Lowe, Mathew B Garber and Robert S Wainner, The Journal of American Physical Therapy.

3. The Use of Conservative and Alternative Therapy for Low Back PainPublished: September 9, 2015. Ping Chung Leung, State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Kunming 650201, Yunnan, China & Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Institute of Chinese Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong, China. Medicines 2015, 2, 287-297; doi:10.3390/medicines2030287.

4. Mechanotherapy: how physical therapists’ prescription of exercise promotes tissue repair K M Khan, A Scott. Br J Sports Med 2009 43: 247-252 originally published online February 24, 2009. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2008.054239. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)


1. German Acupuncture Trials (GERAC) for chronic low back pain: randomized, multicenter, blinded, parallel-group trial with 3 groupsHaake M (Orthopaedic Department, University of Regensburg, Bad Abbach, Germany), Muller HH, Schade-Brittinger C,  et al. Arch Intern Med 2007;167 (17) 1892- 1898

Chinese Nutritional Therapy

1. The Spleen Friendly DietPaper by Paul J. Hopfensperger, MIfHI, Chinese Nuritional Therapist. The College of Naturopathic Medicine, London, 2014.

2. Paul Hopfensperger Post Graduate Diploma in Chinese Nutritional Therapy The College of Naturopathic Medicine, London, 2014.


1. Ancient Chinese medicine and mechanistic evidence of acupuncture physiologyEdward S. Yang, Pei-Wen Li, Bernd Nilius, Geng Li. Pflugers Arch. 2011 November; 462(5): 645–653.  Published online 2011 August 26. doi: 10.1007/s00424-011-1017-3. PMCID: PMC3192271.


1. Ancient Chinese medicine and mechanistic evidence of acupuncture physiologyEdward S. Yang, Pei-Wen Li, Bernd Nilius, Geng Li. Pflugers Arch. 2011 November; 462(5): 645–653.  Published online 2011 August 26. doi: 10.1007/s00424-011-1017-3. PMCID: PMC3192271.

Tuina Massage

1. The position of Chinese massage (Tuina) in clinical medicine - Published: 2012 by Dejan Ilic, Aleksandar Djurovic, Zorica Brdareski, Aleksandra Vukomanovic, Vesna Pejovic, Mirko Grajic.

Thai Chi/Qi Gong

1. The Use of Conservative and Alternative Therapy for Low Back Pain - Published: September 9, 2015. Ping Chung Leung, State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Kunming 650201, Yunnan, China & Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Institute of Chinese Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong, China. Medicines 2015, 2, 287-297; doi:10.3390/medicines2030287.

2. Tai chi for older people reduces falls, may help maintain strength - Published: May 2, 1996. US Department of Health and Human Services. National Institute on Aging.

Trigger Point Therapy

1. Effectiveness of Myofascial Trigger Point Manual Therapy Combined With a Self-Stretching Protocol for the Management of Plantar Heel Pain: A Randomized Controlled TrialPublished: Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2011 Volume:41 Issue:Pages:43–50 DOI: 10.2519/jospt.2011.3504

2. Treatment of Myofascial Trigger Points in Patients with Chronic Shoulder Pain: A Randomized, Controlled TrialPublished: BMC Medicine24 January 2011Carel Bron, Arthur de Gast, Jan Dommerholt, Boudewijn Stegenga, Michel Wensing, Rob AB Oostendorp.

3. Efficacy of myofascial trigger point deactivation for tinnitus control - Published: December 2012. Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. [online]. 2012, vol.78, n.6, pp. 21-26. ISSN 1808-8694. ROCHA, Carina Bezerra  and  SANCHEZ, Tanit Ganz.

4. The immediate effect of triceps surae myofascial trigger point therapy on restricted active ankle joint dorsiflexion in recreational runners: a crossover randomised controlled trial - Published: October 2013. Grieve R, Cranston A, Henderson A, John R, Malone G, Mayall C, Department of Allied Health Professions, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Glenside Campus, University of the West of England (UWE), Blackberry Hill, Bristol BS16 1DD, United Kingdom.

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