On December 19th 2022, Body and Mind Studio International® (BMSI) received Global Sustainability Certification when we became one of the first SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in the United Kingdom to become certified by the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) in Paris via their ICC SME360X programme which measures the impacts of business operations on the environment.
What is SME360X?
SME360X is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform co-created by ICC and GIST which measures the impacts of business operations on the environment.
There are many external risks which threaten the survival of businesses everywhere. A company’s location which was relatively risk-free when it was set up decades ago could now be facing extreme risks from stressed water resources and severe shifts in weather patterns. A ban on single use plastics could threaten the survival of a company.
SME360X will help BMSI identify the environmental risks which are most material to our business. This includes but is not limited to:
- Measure, economically value and manage business impacts on nature and the environment.
- Compare environmental performance with regional and sectoral peers and competitors.
- We have received an environmental impact score (PIE Score).
- Help us decide which improvement and abatement initiatives are most impactful.
- Easily report on sustainability performance.
At BMSI, we always like to be at the forefront of new initiatives, and when it comes to protecting the environment, we are very excited to be certified as part of this amazing initiative. There's only one planet Earth, and we are doing our little bit to protect our fragile environment.
As my long time mentor Jim Rohn once said:
"It takes ALL of us to help EACH of us, and EACH of us to help ALL of us".
Never has this been more true than when it comes to protecting our fragile environment.